TigerShareSync - Business File Share and Syncing

Tiger ShareSync

is a fully encrypted file sync and share service, enabling easy, intuitive collaboration and mobility while keeping company data secure and protected.  ShareSync keeps files and folders in sync across virtually every device and makes it simple to share files inside and outside of the company

Secure Syncing

Fully automated synchronisation of your files to all your devices 24×7

MS Office/Outlook integration

Share directly from within Outlook and Office with easy-to-enable Windows plugins


Easy File Sharing

Easily share your files inside and outside of the company


Centralized Management

User’s Devices and Files can all be managed centrally


Secure and Protected

Your files are kept secure and protected at all times


99.999% SLA

Reliability is assured with a 99.999% uptime guarantee

Why is Tiger ShareSync better?


Just compare our product with the leading competition to see how much better ShareSync is.   Not withstanding all the advantages for Users and IT staff alike it offer the ability to ensure data is stored within the UK and northern EU.

Tiger ShareSync Box Dropbox Office 365 Google Apps
Personal/Business Business Business Personal OneDrive for Business Google Drive
File/folder sync & share Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick
Apps for PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone,  BlackBerry Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick No BlackBerry No   BlackBerry
File Versions
Green_Tick Green_Tick10 Limit on Base Green_Tick Green_Tick30 Days Only Green_Tick Green_TickMax 100
Unlimited file size Green_Tick Red_Cross Green_Tick Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross
Share files and folders as web links Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick No   password protection Green_Tick Green_Tick
Activity feed Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Green_Tick Revision only
Multiple folder permission levels Green_Tick
Co-owner, modify & view
Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross ● View & edit only Green_Tick
Group Sharing Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross ● Group changes don’t sync
Tiger ShareSync Box Dropbox Business Dropbox Personal Office 365 Google Drive
Free, Secure External Sharing Green_Tick Red_Cross ● No admin control ● No admin control Red_Cross Red_Cross
Microsoft Office integration Green_Tick
Save as, share, lock, & restore versions
● Save as only Red_Cross Red_Cross ● No lock or version restore Red_Cross
Co-editing Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Green_Tick Green_Tick
Microsoft Outlook integration Green_Tick
Share any file configure settings
● Save & share Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross
Set different sharing permissions for sub-folders Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross  Red_Cross  Red_Cross  Red_Cross
Full text search in desktop, mobile, web Green_Tick Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Green_Tick
Tiger ShareSync Box Dropbox Business Dropbox Personal Office 365 Google Drive
Data encryption, at-rest and in-transit Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross
Account-level encryption key Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross
Device management with remote wipe Green_Tick Red_Cross Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Mobile Devices Only
99.999% uptime guarantee SLA Green_Tick 99.9% Red_Cross Red_Cross 99.9% Red_Cross
Admin File Management Green_Tick Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross Red_Cross


Plans and Pricing

Simply choose the plan that’s right for you or call us to discuss your requirements.  You can modify your plan every month if you desire, without charge, to meet your individual business needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any setup costs?

If you provide all the Users details to us we will peform the setup for you FREE of any charge.

Note:  If you require specific assistance with setting up your Users or Migrating you data, we are happy to perform thse tasks for you but there would be specific charges levied based on the work involved.  For any adhoc work please contact us.

Do you provide any manuals?

YES, you will receive links to User and Admin manuals which you are free to download.

What do the various icons mean?

The ShareSync icon reflects what is happening – the User manual provides a full breakdown.

Can I share with External Users?

YES.  You can share files or folders with anyone.  You can provide either a web-link or a full invitation to join ShareSync as an external User where they will have the ability to both view and modify files.

  • External Users do not have their own storage but they are allowed to consume storage from your company’s storage pool
  • External Users cannot re-share content shared by you
  • External Users can install and use all desktop and mobile apps to collaborate with you
  • External users cannot recover their password on their own

What if one of my Users deletes all the files?

The files can be recovered by the system administrator

Can you setup & Share with Groups?

YES – Distribution Groups can be setup easily within the contro, panel

Do you support file versioning?

YES – Every time a User saves a file, a new version is created. This helps ensure that users have access to current and previous instances of a file – this feature is particularly useful when multiple people are collaborating on one file.

By default, ShareSync keeps unlimited versions of each file in ShareSync. You can change this setting in the Admin Control Panel by navigating to the Settings tab.

What does Admin File Management do and do I need it?

Admin File Management is included with all levels apart from the basic 10GB package (available as an Option) and includes the ability to:

  • View and Manage content across all Users in you environment (Deleted, Regular, and External users)
  • Adjust sharing permissions, add/delete/restore files, search for files in end-user accounts
  • Remote Wipe content from devices

Don't Be Shy

If we didn’t answer all of your questions,
feel free to drop us a line anytime.

Or Call on our Freephone number 0800 4 586878